External Research Grant in the Capacity of PI/Co-PI

Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (GRF)

  • 2020/2021 Round, PI, Development of Multiple Functional Geopolymer Coating for Performance Upgrading of Concrete Building Structures, HK$873,995, Project Code: 15223120.
  • 2019/2020 Round, PI, A New Avenue for Fire Protection of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Structures, HK$748,300, Project Code: 15219919.
  • 2017/2018 Round, PI, Prefabricated Ultra-high-performance Concrete Sandwich Walls with Tubular FRP Connectors, HK$582,000, Project Code: 15214517,
  • 2015/2016 Round, PI, Large Rupture Strain FRP Composite-Confined Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Seismic Loading: Behavior and modeling, HK$695,788, Project Code: 15217115, Co-Is: Prof. S. Kunnath (UC Davis) and Prof. J.G. Teng (PolyU).
  • 2013/2014 Round, PI, A PopTube Technology-Enabled New Fiber Reinforced Inorganic Polymer (FRiP) System for Strengthening of Concrete Structures, HK$836,450, Project Code: 514513, Co-Is: Prof S.P. Shah (Northwestern University), Dr JL Wang (Alabama University) and Dr Z. Ding (Shenzhen University).
  • 2011/2012 Round, PI, Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures using an Advanced Bonded System Based on FRP Strand Sheets, HK$759,700, Project Code: 514311, Co-Is: Prof JG Teng (PolyU) Prof Christopher KY Leung (HKUST),
  • 2009/2010 Round, PI, Durability of Bond between FRP and Concrete Exposed to a Humid Subtropical Environment: experimental study and predictive modeling, HK$853,530, Project code: 516509, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).

Hong Kong RGC Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)

  • 2022/2023 Round, PI, Subambient Radiative Cooling Coating for Energy-Efficient Building Envelope, HK$5,384,413, Project Code: C5051-22GF.
  •  2022/2023 Round, Co-PI, An Upcycling Solution to the Paradox of Clean Energy Development, HK$5,420,773, Project Code: C1014-22GF, PI: Prof K.M. Liew (CityU)
  • 2022/2023 Round, Co-PI, Generative DfX in High-rise Modular Building: An expert-augmented cascade graph learning and optimisation approach, Project Code: C7080-22GF, PI: Prof Wilson Lu (HKU)

NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme

  • 2020/2021 Round, PI, Research and Development on Waste Ash/Slag-based Artificial Aggregates for Applications in Concrete, HK$1,154,954, Project Code: N_PolyU542/20.

Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research (TBR) Fund

  • 2018/2019 Round, Co-PI, Sustainable Marine Infrastructure Enabled by the Innovative Use of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete and Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites, HK$37,171,667, Project code: T22-502/18-R, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).

Strategic Topic Fund (STG)

  • 2024/2025 Round, Co-PI, Tomorrow is Now: Eco-Friendly Autonomous Construction through Sustainable 3D Concrete Printing, , HK$33,330,000, Project code: STG/5/E-103/24-R, PC: Prof K.M. Liew (CityU).

Hong Kong RGC Research Impact Fund (RIF)

  • 2018/2019 Round, Co-PI, Study of Super-fast Large-area Economical Marine Reclamations for Housing and Infrastructural Developments in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, HK$9,876,160, Project code: R5037-18, PI: Prof JH Yin (PolyU).

Green Technology Fund (GTF)

  • The Fourth Round, PC, A low-carbon manufacturing technology to turn municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) ash into artificial aggregates, HK$5,385,450, Project code: GTF202310233.

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

  • 2016/2017 Round, Key Project, Co-PI, Fundamental Research on Materials and Structural Design of Green Low-Carbon Geopolymer Concrete, Allocated with CNY600,000 out of the total CNY3.0 million for five years, Project code: 51638008, PI: Prof Shi. C.J. (Hunan University).
  • 2014/2015 Round, PI, Interfacial Debonding in FRP-strengthened Steel/Concrete Structures Subjected to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading, CNY 800,000. Project code: 51478406.
  • 2012/2013 Round, PI, FRP Grid Reinforced UHTCC for Strengthening of RC Structures, CNY800,000, Project code: 51278441, Co-I: Dr Eddie S.S. Lam (PolyU)

Innovative Technology Fund (ITF)

  • 2023 Round,  Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS),  PI, Research on CO2-cured carbon-negative construction materials produced from municipal solid waste incineration ash, HK$1,469,700  Project Code: GHP/354/22GD.
  • 2021 Round, Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS), PI, Innovative Concrete Technology with Man-made Lightweight Geopolymer Aggregates from Full-volume Solid Wastes, HK$1,309,200, Project code: GHP/144/21GD.
  • 2019 Round ITF-ITSP-Tier 2, PI, Research and Development on FRP-Reinforced UHPC Formwork for Semi-Prefabricated Construction of Marine Concrete Structures, HK$2,300,000, Project code: ITF/077/18FX.
  • 2017 Round, PI, Research and Development on Geopolymer Cement-based 3D Printing Technology for Modern Building Industry, HK$1,473,000, Project code: ITS/009/17.
  • 2012 Round, PI, Development of Thin Wall Panels Based on Basalt Textile Reinforced Geopolymer for Sustainable Building Construction, HK$986,700, Project code: ITS/064/12, Co-I: Prof. J.L. Hu (PolyU). 

Construction Industry Council (CIC) Research Funding

  • 2014 Round, PI, Development of Precast BFRP Grid-Reinforced Geopolymer Sandwich Wall Panels for Green Building Construction, HK$1,265,000, Project code: K-ZJK2, Co-I: Prof. K.F. Chung (PolyU).

Environmental Conservation Fund (ECF)

  • 2017 Round, PI, Development of an Energy-Saving coating system for Sustainable Building Envelope, HK$1,313,240, Project code: ECF/81/2017, Co-I: Prof C.S. Poon (PolyU).

National Basic Research ("973") Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R.C (國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃))

  • 2012/2013 Round, Co-PI, Fracture/failure Control and Probabilistic Design of FRP Composites and Large FRP-reinforced Concrete Structures, Co-I, Allocated with CNY920,000 out of the total 5.0 million for five years, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).

National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R.C(科技部重點研發計劃)

  • 2017/2018 Round on “Green Building and Building Industrialization”, Project on “High Performance Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites and Emerging Structures”, Project code: 2017YFC0703002, Co-PI of a Sub-Project on “Use of FRP Grids for Enhancement of Concrete Structures”, Allocated with CNY450,000 for three years. PI: Prof Li Rong (Metallurgical Corporation of China, Ltd.).
  • 2017/2018 Round on “Green Building and Building Industrialization”, Project on “High Performance Composite Structure Systems”, Project code: 2017YFC0703403, Co-PI of a sub-project on “Marine and Underground Composite Structural System”, Allocated with CNY500,000 for three years. PI: Prof Zheng Yun (Metallurgical Corporation of China, Ltd.).

GDSTC Key Technologies R&D Programme (廣東省重點領域研發計劃)

  • 2019/2020 Round, Co-PI, Research on Key Technologies of Innovative ICCP-SS Seawater Sea Sand Reinforced Concrete Building Structure Enabled by Carbon Fiber Composite Material?, Allocated with CNY1.5 million out of the total CNY15 million for five years, Project code: 2019B111107002, PI: Prof Zhu J.H. (Shenzhen University).

Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology and Innovation Partnership Programme「香江科技創新計劃」2018年廣州市對外科技合作計劃對外研發合作專題

  • 2017/2018 Round, PI at Hong Kong Side, Strengthening of Marine Concrete Structures using Inorganically Bonded FRP Micro-bars, Allocated with CNY 1.0 million out of the total 2.0 million for three years, PI at Mainland Side: Dr Hu R.L. (China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Fourth Harbor Engineering Co. Ltd).

Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

  • 2007/2008 Round, PI, Performance Evaluation on FRP to Concrete Bond Interfaces under Loading and Dry/Wet Cycling, Grant-in-Aid B for Young Scientists, 04/2008-03/2010, JPY2,600,000.
  • 2005/2006 Round, PI, Development of a Hybrid Bonding System for FRP Flexural Strengthening of RC Members, Grant-in-Aid B for Young Scientists, 04/2006-03/2008, JPY1,800,000.

Hong Kong Scholar Program(香江學者計劃)

  • 2023/2024 Round, PI, Innovative Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, Project code: YZ6T, HK$378,000.
  • 2021/2022 Round, PI, Innovative Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, Project code:  YZ5M, HK$378,000.
  • 2019/2020 Round, PI, Innovative Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, Project code:  YZ3H, HK$315,000.
  • 2017/2018 Round, PI, Durability of Geopolymer Concrete and Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Structures, Project code: G-YZ1A,  HK$315,000.
  • 2015/2016 Round, Design Theory for Concrete Structures Strengthened with Inorganically Bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites, Project code: G-YZ78, HK$315,000.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

  • 2017/2018 Round

Others (more than HK$10 million, including projects from industry)

  • Yangjiang Offshore Wind Power Laboratory, New Underwater Grouting Material Project, 26/12/2022-31/12-2024.
  • Water Supply Department, In-soil Pipe Corrosion Risk Level Benchmarking System for Underground Water Mains, 01/09/2023-31/07/2026.
  • Civil Engineering and Development Department, Additional Service – Study of Corrosion of Steel in Coastal Structures under the Effects of Climate Change, 01/08/2023-31/07/2024.
  • Electricial and Mechnical Services Department, Study on Performance of Radiative Cooling Coating, 01/03/2022-28/02/2023.
  • Civil Engineering and Development Department, Study of Corrosion of Steel in Coastal Structures under the Effects of Climate Changes, 15/11/2021-30/04/2023.
  • Drainage Service Department, Investigation of Failure of Concrete Protective Coating at Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works, 01/12/2020-30/11/2021.
  • Water Supply Department, Cathodic Protection Awareness Seminar, 15/11/2021-15/03/2023.
  • China Communications Planning and Design Institute for Water Transportation Co. Ltd., PI, Strengthening and Structural Health Monitoring of the Houtou Canal Wharf in Shangdong Jining Mining Group,  03/2019-09/2019.
  • China Communications Planning and Design Institute for Water Transportation Co. Ltd., PI, Durability Assessment on the Surface Impregnation System of Concrete Superstructures of Shenzhen Western Government Port, 07/2013-04/2014.
  • Guizhou University, Analysis of Stability and Load-carrying Capacity of Lattice-Type Arch with Triangular Section, 06/2019-11/2019.
  • Zhejiang Yefeng Construction Co. Ltd., Performance Assessment of Nano TiO2 Modified Cementitious Materials, 10/2018-06/2019.
  • Penta-Ocean-Concentric Joint Venture, Hong Kong, Technical Consultancy on the Corrosion Protection System for Water Pipelines, 09/2018~12/2018,
  • Shenzhen Media Group, Co-PI, Assessment of Settlement of Network Animation Building in Shenzhen, 11/2013-11/2014.
  • Shenzhen Media Group, PI, Performance Assessment of Bond Interfaces Decorative Stone-concrete Composite Façade,  8/2012-12/2013.
  • Technical Consultancy on the Use of UHPC for China National Electricity Office Phase II Building Design, 11/2018-05/2019.
  • Guangdong Gaiteqi New Material Technology Co. Ltd, Test of Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete,  08/2016~02/2017,
  • China Ministry of Transportation, Western Transportation Project, Co-PI, Research on Performance Indices for Life Cycle Design of Port Concrete Structures, 07/2011-06/2013, PI: Prof W.L. Jin (Zhejiang University)
  • State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering Fund, Dalian University of Technology, Tension stiffening of micro FRP bar-reinforced polymer mortar composites, 07/2012-06/2014.
  • Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering Funding, Shenzhen University, Mechanics of the Bond between Textile Reinforced Inorganic Polymer Materials and Concrete Substrate, 07/2012-06/2014.
  • Donation from Hong Kong Kei Cheong Engineering Co. Ltd. in 2013.
  • Donation from Nippon Steel Composites Co. Ltd in 2009

Internal Research Grant in the Capacity of PI

  • CityU Strategic Fund, Advanced Functional Construction Materials (AFCM) for Sustainable Built Environment, Project Code: 9380165, HK$5,340,000,  01/04/2024-31/03/2027.
  • PolyU Areas of Excellence Large Equipment Fund 2019/2020 Round, (C5048-19E), An Intergrated Climate Chamber for Studyying Multi-scale Behavior of FRP-concrete Composite Structures Subjected to Combined Mechanical and Environmental Loading, HK$9,503,840,
  • CNERC project, Self-cleaning Eco-friendly Advanced Coating fro Steel Corrosion Prevention in Marine Infrastructures, Project code: BBVA, HK$388,000, 03/2019-09/2020.
  • RISUD Strategy Focus Area Project, High-Performance Materials and Structural Elements for Sustainable Floating Structures, 05/2018~05/2021, HK$2,500,000, Co-PIs: Prof JG Teng, Prof CS Poon and Prof YQ Ni (PolyU).
  • PolyU Post-doctoral Fellowship, Use of Ultra-high Performance ECC and FRP for Development of Stay-in-place Permanent Formwork for Sustainable Marine Infrastructures, Project Code: YW4K, HK$771,000, 07/2019-07/2021.
  • PolyU Post-doctoral Fellowship, Development of an Energy-Efficient Waterproof Coating System for Concrete Envelope, Project code: G-YW2F, 02/2017~04/2019, HK$645,000. Co-I: Prof CS Poon (PolyU).
  • Matching Funding for Post-doctoral Fellowship (Dean’s Reserve), Behavior and Modeling of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Micro Bars-reinforced Cementitious Overlay at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures, Project code: 1-ZVC4, 11/2013~10/2015, HK$315,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • Construction Industry Institute (Hong Kong)/PolyU Innovation Fund, Development of an Innovatively Anchored Stone Cladding System for Building Construction, 07/2013-06/2015, Project code: 5-ZJHK, HK$500,000, Co-I: Dr Z. Leng (PolyU).
  • PolyU CEE Funding on Asian Cluster Universities Scheme, Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Life Cycle Maintenance of Corroding Concrete Structures, Project code: 1-ZVGE, 11/2015~12/2017, HK$ 500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • PolyU RISUD Funding on Joint PhD Student Scheme, Development of a Failure Warning System for the Use of FRP Materials in Concrete Infrastructure, Project code: 1-ZVCV, 2014/05~2016/02, HK$200,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • PolyU RISUD Funding on Research Collaboration with Mainland China, Design Theory for Concrete Structures Strengthened with Inorganically Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Grids, Project code: 1-ZVEU, 2015/05~2017/08, HK$200,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • PolyU Matching Funding for China Project (NSFC) “Fundamental Research on Materials and Structural Design of Green Low-Carbon Geopolymer Concrete”, Project code: BCE9, 10/2017~12/2021, HK$142, 284.
  • PolyU Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interface Bond Mechanism and Design Theory of Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Grid-Reinforced ECC Composites”, Project code: 4-BCAX 12/2014-12/2016, HK$201,520.
  • PolyU FCE Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interfacial Debonding in FRP-strengthened Steel/Concrete Structures Subjected to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading”, Project code: 4-BCCF, 11/2015~12/2018, HK$195,824.
  • PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5 and Incentive Funding for “Dean’s Award”, Behavior and Modeling of Steel Beams Strengthened with Ultra-High-Modulus CFRP Strand Sheets Subject to Fatigue, Loading, Project code: G-YM26, 2014/10~2017/11, HK$305,000.
  • PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5, “Behaviour and Modeling of Debonding in Steel Beams Strengthened with Ultra-high Modulus CFRP Strand Sheets Subjected to Fatigue Loading, Project code: G-YBC1, 10/2014-11/2017, HK$105,000.
  • PolyU FCE Matching Funding for ITF Project, “Development of Thin Wall Panels Based on Basalt Textile Reinforced Geopolymer for Sustainable Building Construction”, Project code: 87UD, 01/2014-04/2016, HK$170,000.
  • PolyU FCE Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interface Bond Mechanism and Design Theory of Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Grid-Reinforced ECC Composites”, Project code: 87UF, 01/2014-12/2016, HK$170,000.
  • PolyU RGC Direct Allocation (Departmental Earnings), “Investigate Performance-based Seismic Retrofit of Existing RC Buildings in Hong Kong Using FRP Composites”, Project code: 4-ZZCH, 2013/07 -2015/09, HK$200,000, Co-Is: Prof JG Teng (PolyU) and Dr WL Wong (PolyU).
  • Construction Industry Institute (Hong Kong)/PolyU Innovation Fund, Development of a Textile Reinforced Shotcrete System for Repair of Fire-Damaged Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures, Project code: 5-ZJE8, 01/2012-06/2014, Project code: 5-ZJE8, HK$ 300,000, Co-I: Prof KF Chung (PolyU).
  • PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5, “Bond Behavior of FRP Micro-bars in Different Cementitious Matrices”, Project code: A-PK43, 11/2010-03/2013, HK$105,000.
  • PolyU Niche Area Fund, Durability of FRP-confined Concrete Columns in Humid Subtropical Marine Environments, Project code: 1-BB3B, 10/2010-07/2012, HK$500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • PolyU Niche Area Fund, Seismic Retrofit of Beam-column Joints Using FRP Composites: Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling, Project code: 1-BB7X 05/2009-07/2012, HK$500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
  • PolyU CEE Funding Support for Junior Professors, Bond between Fiber Reinforced Inorganic Polymer (FRiP) and Concrete: Behavior and Modeling, Project code: 4-ZZA3, 09/2011-05/2013, HK$200,000.
  • PolyU Competitive Research Grants for Newly Recruited Junior Academic Staff, Behavior of Concrete Columns Confined with Large Rupture Strain FRP, Project code: A-PC1L, 05/2009-05/2012, HK$250,000.
  • PolyU Start-up Fund, Optimized Thin Textile Reinforced Cementitious Composites for Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures, 01/2009-02/2010, HK200,000.

Research Grant in the Capacity of Co-I (without funding allocation)

  • RISUD Strategy Focus Area Project, A Technology-enabled Interdisciplinary Platform for Innovative Façade Design and Installation in Industrialized Building Construction, 01/2018~01/2021, HK$2,500,000, PI: Prof QP Shen (PolyU).
  • PolyU Supporting Fund, FRP-reinforced Seawater Sea-sand Concrete Structures for Sustainable Marine Infrastructure, Project code: 1-BBAG, 12/2016-12/2019. PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$ 2,500,000.
  • PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Structural Behaviour of Hybrid FRP-Concrete-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns with a Square Outer Tube and a Circular Inner Tube, Project code: G-YXSK, 04/2010-08/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$791,500.
  • Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Center for Steel Construction, Effective High Strength Steel Construction for Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Hong Kong, Project code: 1-BBY6, 01/2016-12/2018, PI: Prof KF Chung (PolyU). HK$11,500,000,
  • Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Center for Steel Construction, Localized Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Project code: 1-BBYP, 08/2016-08/2018, PI: Prof CS Poon (PolyU), HK$1,250,000.
  • PolyU CEE Funding on Asian Cluster Universities Scheme, Enhancement of RCA Properties by Carbonation and its Influence on Structural Concrete Properties Project code: 1-ZVH7, 2016/01~2018/06, PI: Prof CS Poon, HK$581,128.
  • Innovative Technology Fund, Development of a Hong Kong Guideline for the Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using FRP Composites, Project code: K-ZP1C, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,256,372.
  • PolyU CEE Departmental Earning, Fundamental Earthquake Engineering in Hong Kong, Project code: 4-ZZCB, 06/2013-01/2018, PI: Prof YL Xu (PolyU), HK$150,000.
  • PolyU CEE Departmental Earning, Ascertain Seismic Resistant Performance of Precast Concrete and Hybrid Steel-concrete Buildings in Hong Kong, Project code: 4-ZZCJ, 07/2013-09/2016, PI: Prof SS Law (PolyU), HK$200,000.
  • PolyU Niche Area Fund, High-performance Bridge Structures Based on Double-skin Tubular Members, Project code: 1-BB7T, 03/2008-07/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$949,472.
  • PolyU Niche Area Fund, Performance Simulation of Tall RC Buildings Subjected to Seismic Loading, Project code: 1-BB7T, 03/2008-07/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,050,000.
  • Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Debonding in FRP-strengthened RC Beams: Effects of Load Distribution and U-jacket Anchorage, Project code: B-Q18N, 07/2009-12/2013, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,753,090.
  • PolyU Internal Competitive Funding, Structural Behaviour of Joints in Hybrid Structures for Super High-rise Buildings, Project code: G-YH48, 03/2009-06/2011, PI: Prof KF Chung (PolyU), HK$ 150,000.
  • PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Theoretical Modeling of Long-term Performance of RC and FRP-strengthened RC Structures in Marine Environments, Project code: G-YX4V, 01/2011-12/2013, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$624,000.
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steel-Fiber Composites-High Strength Concrete Hollow Bridge Decks Based on Interface Bond-Slip Theory, 01/2010-12/2013, PI: Dr WW Wang (Southeast University, China), CNY330,000.
  • Ministry of Education, Sport and Science and Technology, Japan, Fatigue Life Analysis of RC Slabs Externally Strengthened with Polymer Mortar Overlay, KIBAN-C, 4/2005-3/2007, PI: Dr H. Furuuchi (Hokkaido University), JPY3,300,000.
  • JSPS-NSFC Scientific Cooperation Program, Life-Cycle Management-Based on Design Theory for Concrete Structural Durability, 4/2008-12/2010, PI: Dr H. Yokota (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan), JPY3,000,000.
  • International Committee of Concrete Model Code for Asia (ICCMC), Index-based Requirement for Durability Design of Concrete Bridges, 07/2007-06/2009, PI: Dr KF Li (Tsinghua University, China), US$3,000.